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Oct 2, 2024

Taking The Best Care Of Your New Dental Implants

After your dental implant Logan, Utah procedure, you’re likely wondering how you can take the very best care of your new teeth.

After your dental implant Logan, Utah procedure, you’re likely wondering how you can take the very best care of your new teeth. While dental implants are strong, natural looking, and healthy, that doesn’t mean they don’t require some upkeep to ensure they remain so for a lifetime. A few tips for taking care of your new dental implants include:

Make sure to use a soft toothbrush – It’s important that dental implants are cared for just as you’d care for your natural teeth, and this means using the softest possible toothbrush to clean them. Look for “extra soft” or “sensitive” nylon brushes and make sure to brush gently after each meal.

Remember to floss – Flossing is important after having a dental implant Logan, Utah procedure. Keeping your gums healthy is crucial to ensuring your dental implants remain healthy as well, and the best way to stay on top of gum health is to floss at least once daily.

Avoid sticky foods – Sticky foods should be avoided after having a dental implant procedure, as these can result in damage to your new crowns. Foods that should be eaten rarely or avoided completely include sticky caramels, candies, or any foods that seem to “coat” the teeth.

Avoid smoking – While smoking should always be avoided, it’s doubly important after having a dental implant placed. Dental implants will take around 6 months or more to heal, and smoking increases the likelihood of rejection. Drinking alcohol may also slow the healing process and make maintaining your dental implants more difficult.

Keep your regular dental visits – Dental implants should be treated just as you’d treat your natural teeth, and that means having regular checkups with your dentist. Your Logan, Utah dentist will be able to ensure your gum health remains strong, and that you’re doing everything you can to maintain the integrity of your new implants.

A dental implant Logan, Utah procedure can be a life changing experience when you go through the process with the best dentist. These can address single or multiple missing teeth, making it a great solution for most people. This serves as a permanent solution for missing teeth, and one that allows you to truly get “your” teeth back again. With the right upkeep, you can expect your dental implant to last without complication potentially for life.

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